How I solved the E204 and E101 errors on my Xbox One

E101 Xbox One error
No Fallout for you

A few weeks ago, I got a brand new Xbox One as a gift. I was very eager to play Fallout 4, but I was disappointed to see that after the mandatory initial update, the entire screen covered with an error message:

System Error.
Contact Xbox Customer Support
E204 10010B04 80070002

Searching for each error code on only led to one result, and it was obviously not relevant for my problem: «Error 80070002 occurs when you try to install the Games for Windows Marketplace application on your PC». Google results suggested power cycling (which didn’t work) or doing an offline update with a USB stick. During a chat with Xbox support, the representative suggested applying the OSUDT1 update (there
are currently three offline updates available: OSUDT1, OSUDT2 and OSUDT3). So I did. The update took some time to finish, then rebooted and finally printed another catastrophic no-I-can’t-let-you-play-Fallout message:

System Error.
Contact Xbox Customer Support

E101 00000504 80070570

SanDisk Cruzer
SanDisk USB stick 🙁

PNY USB stick
PNY USB stick 😀

The error code lookup page said: «Error E101 occurs when you try to update your Xbox One console software» and «Error 80070570 occurs when downloading content from Xbox Live on Xbox 360». The first one wasn’t very helpful, and the last one didn’t make much sense since I was doing an offline update. Anyway, I did a factory reset and tried again. Same error. Then I did another factory reset, and tried OSUDT2. Nope. Then another factory reset, and OSUDT3. Nope. No Fallout for you.

Then it struck me that perhaps the SanDisk Cruzer USB stick might be causing problems, even though the update did seem to partly install. I bought a new one of a random brand I have never heard of, the first I could find in the nearest store. Same procedure again with the new USB stick; factory reset and applying OSUDT1. Interestingly, this produced a new error message, which actually made it a bit promising:

System Error. Contact Xbox Customer Support
E101 00000504 8B050041

Still not much help to get from the support pages, and Google results weren’t helpful either. Then I checked the Xbox operating system version (by pulling the left and right triggers and the left and right bumpers on the controller) and looked at the table on this page. I couldn’t find my version number in the table, so this meant I should use the OSUDT3 update. And it worked! Conclusion: Do an offline update, try another USB stick if it does not work.

Fallout 4

4 thoughts on “How I solved the E204 and E101 errors on my Xbox One”

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Hi man:
    I have same this problem I tried to update my Xbox one s and it’s given me same error code 80070570
    So if I try another usb maybe the problem process? ?

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